Adobe MAX

Adobe MAX

Adobe asked me to cre­ate the iden­tity of the MAX cre­ativ­ity con­fer­ence 2017 in Las Vegas, based on my mas­ter the­sis „BTW“, a mod­u­lar sys­tem con­sist­ing of two com­po­nents: The self-made, 3D-printed font, which is thereby asso­ci­ated with a vari­ety of phys­i­cal processes. Besides logo and font design six dif­fer­ent ana­logue effects were cho­sen which present the logo in dif­fer­ent over­all impres­sions.

In four shoot­ing days a crew from Adobe San Fran­cisco cap­tured the exper­i­ments in my Düs­sel­dorf based stu­dio. The results were trans­ferred into var­i­ous appli­ca­tions for the con­fer­ence, like ban­ners, videos, shirts and many more.

➔ Adobe Cre­ate Magazine